Power Up Your Operations:

Streamline. Automate. Amplify.

At 10X Operations, we specialize in working with visionary 7-figure entrepreneurs who are ready to take their operations to the next level. We understand the unique challenges that come with managing a high-growth business, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

With a proven track record of working with successful 7-figure entrepreneurs, we possess the expertise and insights to help you overcome operational hurdles and unlock your business’s full potential. We are driven by a deep understanding of the demands and aspirations that accompany your level of success.

Indira Shakti

Our Online Business Manger and Clickup expert, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our clients. With over 20 years of operations management experience, Indira has honed her skills in streamlining processes, optimizing efficiencies, and driving growth. She understands the complexities of scaling operations while maintaining the highest standards of efficiency. Through her guidance, you can confidently navigate the challenges that come with rapid growth and ensure that your operations align with your ambitious goals.

Priscilla Salvador

We also recognize that leveraging technology and optimizing systems are paramount to the success of a 7-figure business. Priscilla Salvador, our Tech and System Optimization Specialist, excels in streamlining operations and automating processes. With her strong background in project management and a focus on maximizing efficiency, she empowers businesses to stay ahead in the digital landscape. Priscilla’s expertise enables you to harness the full potential of technology, ensuring your operations are scalable, agile, and future-proofed.

Together we form a dynamic team dedicated to helping visionary 7-figure entrepreneurs thrive. We have the insights, experience, and passion necessary to guide you through the operational complexities of high-growth businesses. Our collaborative approach ensures that we understand your unique business needs and provide tailored solutions that drive success.

With 10X Operations as your trusted partner, you can reclaim your time, operate in your zone of genius, and focus on strategic initiatives that will propel your business to new heights. Experience the power of our expertise and unlock exponential growth for your visionary 7-figure business.

Choose the Service Package That Empowers Your 7-Figure Business

Web Design

Custom web design for small businesses, we help you capture new audiences and increase your sales.

Graphic Design

Logos, merchandise and more. Anyone can create nice graphics. We think it’s better to create memorable ones.

Content Creation

Want to attract people to your website?  You have to have the best content in the world. That’s what we do.

About us

At 10X Operations, we specialize in working with visionary 7-figure entrepreneurs who are ready to take their operations to the next level. We understand the unique challenges that come with managing a high-growth business, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.